13  Estimating Admixture Graphs with qpGraph


Eleni Seferidou


October 17, 2024

13.1 Method Overview

Qpgraph is used to reconstruct models of genetic relationships between different groups (that can be single individuals or larger populations) through a phylogenetic tree, which allows for admixture from one group into another. The method operates on a user-defined graph topology and estimates f2, f3, and f4-statistic values1 for all pairs, triples, and quadruples of groups in the provided dataset. After, these calculated statistics are compared to the expected – based on the graph topology the user has set - allele frequency correlation of the tested groups.

For a given topology, qpGraph2 (Patterson et al. 2012) provides branch lengths (and mixture proportions in the case of an admixture event) that produce the best fit to allele frequency statistics measured on the data. Groups that share a more recent common ancestor will co-vary more than others in their allele frequencies due to common genetic drift.


Keep in mind: The reconstructed graph is never meant to reflect a comprehensive population history of the region under study but the best fitted model to the limit of the available groups, the user’s input topology and the method’s resolution.

▶️▶️▶️ Instructions on how to install the AdmixTools package and qpGraph can be found here.

13.2 Data Preparation

  • Include individuals with at least 100,000 SNPs covered.

  • Genotype data in EIGENSTRAT format as input.

  • When working with ancient DNA, exclude a subset of SNPs3 that are transitions in CpG sites. Those Cytosines are prone to be methylated and if deamination (the typical chemical modification of aDNA) occurs at the same position Cytosine is directly converted into Thymine without becoming Uracil. Thus, the resulting CtoT modification cannot be removed with an enzymatic reaction like performing uracil-DNA glycosylase (UDG) treatment.
    This results in additional noise in aDNA data that can be reduced by excluding those SNPs, especially when analysing ancient samples that have been processed using different laboratory protocols.

▶️ With plink:

plink --bfile packageprefix --exclude snplist --make-bed --out packageprefix.filtered

13.2.1 Parfile

To run qpGraph you will need a parameter file with the following format:

DIR: /data/qpGraph
genotypename: DIR/<filename>.geno
snpname: DIR/<filename>.snp
indivname: DIR/<filename>.ind

outpop: NULL
useallsnps: YES
blgsize: 0.05       
forcezmode: YES
lsqmode: YES
bigiter: 15
hires: YES
lambdascale: 1
initmix: 1000
inbreed: NO
fstdmode: YES

Going through the most important parameter options:

outpop: NULL does not use an outgroup population to normalize f-stats by heterozygosity e.g. selecting a group in the graph in which SNPs must be polymorphic.

useallsnps: YES each comparison uses all SNPs overlapping in that specific test, and not between all groups. The default option is NO; with which qpGraph will calculate the SNPs overlapping across all individuals in the provided dataset. This will result in a lower number of SNPs but will increase the comparability between the individual statistical tests.

blgsize: 0.05 block size in Morgans for Jackknife.

lsqmode: YES4 least-squares mode (The default option is NO); sets the off-diagonal elements of the block-jackknife covariance matrix to 0; this provides stability for large graphs.

diag:.00015 use the full matrix form of the objective function to avoid the basis dependence of the least-squares version of the computation.

hires: YES controls output when more decimals are desired.

lambdascale: 1 preserves the standard scaling of the f-statistics without an extra denominator.

initmix: 1000 This may be useful if you are worried the program may not have found the global optimum.

inbreed: NO if you have populations with 1 individual.

fstdmode: YES branch lengths in units of Fst.

▶️▶️▶️ For more parameter options look at the tool’s page on GitHub and on this Workshop

13.2.2 Graph Topology

In addition, you need to provide a file in which the graph topology for the tree is set. For this, prepare a tab-separated file, beginning with setting labels for each population you need included in the tree. Tip ! in the output summary statistics, only the first three letters appear, so make the labels distinguishable!

In the second part of the graph topology file, you will need to provide the edges of the tree in a bifurcation structure.
The model is based on an unrooted tree and while we show graphs with a selected outgroup as the root, the results should not depend on the root position. After, set the edges based on the direction you want to test. The structure to be followed here is to indicate from which node does the edge start from and to which node does it move towards (b_a0_a1), the node1 (a0) and the node2 (a1) - all separated with tabs.

🔍 Example. For this example, we are using populations from the Simons Genome Diversity Project (Mallick et al. 2016)

Preparing the graph file for the following tree:

Figure 1. Example tree topology
root  a0
label Mbuti.DG  a1
label Han.DG  a2
label Pima.DG a4
label Mayan.DG  a6
label Piapoco.DG  a10
label Surui.DG  a12
label Karitiana.DG  a14

edge  b_a0_a1 a0  a1
edge  b_a0_a3 a0  a3
edge  b_a3_a2 a3  a2
edge  b_a3_a5 a3  a5
edge  b_a5_a4 a5  a4
edge  b_a5_a7 a5  a7
edge  b_a7_a6 a7  a6
edge  b_a7_a9 a7  a9
edge  b_a9_a8 a9  a8
edge  b_a9_a11  a9  a11
edge  b_a11_a10 a11 a10
edge  b_a8_a12  a8  a12
edge  b_a8_a14  a8  a14

13.2.3 Run

Directly on the command line:

qpGraph -p parfile_qpGraph.sh -g scaffold.graph -o scaffold.graph.ggg -d scaffold.graph.dot > scaffold.graph.out

Where -p add the path to the parameter file, -g add the path for your graph file (the one prepared above), -o refers to the output file (.ggg), -d will be the dot file (to visualise the produced tree) and finally, .out file is the combined output file ❗ Keep the naming consistent for each run

  • With run file:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
par=DIR/parfile_qpGraph.sh  # path to parfile
gp=DIR/scaffold.graph       # graph file
cd DIR/output               # path to output folder

qsub -cwd -V -b y -l h_vmem=40G -pe smp 4 qpGraph -p ${par} -g ${gp} -o #par.qp${gp}.ggg -d par.qp${gp}.dot > par.qp${gp}.out
  • Get the pdf through the .dot file:
dot -Tpdf scaffold.graph.dot > scaffold.graph.pdf

13.3 Output


.out file

  • with the total number of individuals used for all groups and the total number of SNPs available from at least one individual.

  • List of SNPs with no data.

  • Summary of Fst, F2, F3, F4-statistics. In case where multiple tests deviate from 0, you can make use of those statistics to get information on where the tree topology does not work, and which populations attract each other more than indicated by the provided topology. After you can adjust the tree accordingly to achieve a better Z-score.

  • Z-scores determined from standard errors obtained from jackknife resampling. Since we are looking for a tree that fits our data, a Z score of 0 means a perfect fit. Ideally, we are looking for Z-score between 3 and -3 to accept the graph topology.

  • Worst f-statistic [the outlier f4-statistics]. The entries show the test groups, the fitted (from the defined graph topology) and the observed f4 values, the difference between them, the standard error obtained from jackknife resampling, and lastly the Z-score for the test.

    nodata:           rs75089321
    outpop: NULL
    population:   0                       Mbuti.DG    4
    population:   1                         Han.DG    3
    population:   2                        Pima.DG    2
    population:   3                       Mayan.DG    2
    population:   4                     Piapoco.DG    2
    population:   5                       Surui.DG    2
    population:   6                   Karitiana.DG    3
    before setwt numsnps: 918965  outpop: NULL
    setwt numsnps: 656994
    number of blocks for moving block jackknife: 711
    snps: 656994  indivs: 18
    number of blocks for block jackknife: 711
    lambdascale:     1.000
                                          Fit         Obs         Diff       Std. error      Z 
    worst f-stat: Pim   Pia   Sur   Kar   0.000000  -0.001301  -0.001301     0.000488    -2.666 

.ggg file

  • Drift lengths (in units of Fst multiplied by 1000) and admixture proportions (as percentages from each group) in the case where an admixture edge has been set.
edge      b_a0_a1           a0           a1     0.042317
edge      b_a0_a3           a0           a3     0.042317
edge      b_a3_a2           a3           a2     0.008442
edge      b_a3_a5           a3           a5     0.023047
edge      b_a5_a4           a5           a4     0.010935
edge      b_a5_a7           a5           a7     0.002088
edge      b_a7_a6           a7           a6     0.001838
edge      b_a7_a9           a7           a9     0.002316
edge      b_a9_a8           a9           a8     0.003027
edge     b_a9_a11           a9          a11     0.001235
edge     b_a8_a12           a8          a12     0.021636
edge     b_a8_a14           a8          a14     0.017294
edge    b_a11_a10          a11          a10     0.001235
edge    b_a17_a16          a17          a16     0.009809
admix          a17         a10        a12      0.971592     0.028408

.dot file (in pdf format)

  • At the top you have the worst Z-score informing you which populations attract more than the tree suggests. If it is positive then in the structure a,b,c,d we have more attraction in a-c and b-d. If it is negative then we have more attraction in b-c and a-d.

  • Numbers on solid lines are genetic drift with units of FST × 1000; if it is 0 then a tri-furcation is suggested, meaning that the branch can be collapsed to the node before.

Figure2. Output tree

Once confirming that the base tree works we can keep adding the groups of interest by adding them as edges and checking the output for the statistics.

13.4 Adding an Admixture Edge

If there are indications of an admixture event (either from other analyses or from population history), the tree can be adjusted. To add an admixture edge, we need to adjust the Graph Topology and the graph file accordingly. For this, we need to set an extra edge (admix) specifying which populations have contributed to the admixture.

root  a0
label Mbuti.DG  a1
label Han.DG  a2
label Pima.DG a4
label Mayan.DG  a6
label Piapoco.DG  a10
label Surui.DG  a12
label Karitiana.DG  a14
Label New_population a16

edge  b_a0_a1 a0  a1
edge  b_a0_a3 a0  a3
edge  b_a3_a2 a3  a2
edge  b_a3_a5 a3  a5
edge  b_a5_a4 a5  a4
edge  b_a5_a7 a5  a7
edge  b_a7_a6 a7  a6
edge  b_a7_a9 a7  a9
edge  b_a9_a8 a9  a8
edge  b_a9_a11  a9  a11
edge  b_a11_a10 a11 a10
edge  b_a8_a12  a8  a12
edge  b_a8_a14  a8  a14
admix a17 a10 a12
edge  b_a17_a16 a17 a16

Figure 3. Produced tree after the graph topology we have set in the graph file. Solid arrow edges reported in units of genetic drift (Fst of the two populations multiplied by 1000). In the admixture edge, admixture proportions are shown in percentages on the dashed arrows.

13.5 Tips

  • Start with a small, well-understood graph and then add populations (either unadmixed or admixed) one at a time in their best-fitting positions. This involves trying different branch points for the new population and comparing the results (Lipson and Reich 2017).
  • If a population is unadmixed and placed in the wrong position, the fit of the model will be poorer, and the inferred split point will move as far as it can in the correct direction, constrained only by the specified topology. If no placement provides a good fit, then we can infer an admixture event, in which case we test for the best-fitting split points of the two ancestry components.
  • Mindful of missing data as all f-statistics are computed on the same set of markers (especially if useallsnps: NO is set.
  • Over-fitting can be a problem, especially if we hypothesize many admixing events but only have data for a few populations.
  • It is important to not have zero-length edges because it might signify that the modeled edge does not exist. Also, terminal edges for ancient groups, especially if composed by a single individual, are artificially long and should not be considered
  • Make different directories for every population you want to add, to have more control over the effect it has on the tree topology.
  • Using QpGraph to explore the phylogenetic topology of populations, whose population history is not known is not ideal and can be time consuming. Users recommend using this tool to test two hypotheses against each other and estimating which one has a better fit to the provided data.

  1. For more information, see chapter 3. Introduction to F3- and F4-Statistics↩︎

  2. AdmixtureGraph, part of Admixtools Package↩︎

  3. A snp list with CpG sites can be found here↩︎

  4. Least-squares mode: minimizes the sum of the squares of the differences (the “errors”) between the observed (measured) values and the values predicted by a model.↩︎

  5. By using the full matrix representation of the objective function, one can avoid potential issues of basis dependence that might arise when using the least-squares approach – for fitting, leading to more reliable computations. Adding a small value (0.0001) to the diagonal elements of the matrix ensures numerical stability, especially when the matrix might otherwise have very small or zero values on the diagonal, which can cause issues in computations like matrix inversion.↩︎